Are you a health or mental health professional?

Understand the importance of confidentiality, especially in contexts where LGBTQ+ individuals may face discrimination or legal repercussions. Assure them that their identity and experiences will be kept confidential.

Culturally Competent Care

Familiarise yourself with the cultural and societal norms surrounding LGBTQ+ identities in Uganda. Be sensitive to the stigma and discrimination they may face, and adapt your approach accordingly.

Use Inclusive Language

To avoid making assumptions about gender identity or sexual orientation. Allow individuals to self-identify and use their preferred pronouns.

Provide Safe Spaces

Create a safe and non-judgmental environment where LGBTQ+ individuals feel comfortable expressing themselves and disclosing experiences of IPV. Consider offering separate LGBTQ+-friendly spaces if possible.

Trauma-Informed Care

Recognise the potential trauma LGBTQ+ individuals may experience due to IPV and the additional layers of minority stress they may face. Provide trauma-informed care that acknowledges their unique experiences and builds trust.

Know Legal Implications

Understand the legal landscape regarding LGBTQ+ rights and IPV in Uganda. Be aware of any legal barriers or risks LGBTQ+ individuals may face when seeking help.

Collaborate with LGBTQ+ Organisations

Partner with LGBTQ+ organisations or community leaders who can provide additional support and advocacy for individuals experiencing IPV. Collaborative efforts can strengthen the support network and increase access to resources.

Provide Resources

Offer information about local LGBTQ+ support groups, shelters, legal aid services, and healthcare providers who are LGBTQ+ affirming. Ensure these resources are accessible and safe for individuals to access.

Offer Comprehensive Care
Address both the physical and mental health needs of individuals experiencing IPV. Provide medical care for any injuries sustained and offer mental health support to help individuals cope with the emotional impact of IPV.

Empower and Validate
Empower LGBTQ+ individuals by validating their experiences, affirming their identity, and supporting their autonomy in decision-making. Offer empowerment-focused interventions that help build resilience and promote self-efficacy.

Stay Educated and Up-to-Date

Continuously educate yourself on LGBTQ+ issues, IPV dynamics, and cultural sensitivities relevant to Uganda. Stay informed about any changes in laws or policies that may impact LGBTQ+ individuals seeking support.

Practice Self-Care
Working with individuals experiencing IPV can be emotionally challenging. Prioritise your own self-care and seek supervision or support from colleagues to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue.